BES nationale studiedag / journée nationale : 12/03/2020
Théme / Thema: Méthodes TMS / MSA tools
BES nationale studiedag / journée nationale : 12/03/2020
Théme / Thema: Méthodes TMS / MSA tools
7 et 14 octobre 2019 - Formation à la prévention des troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) - Secteur administratif - Comment mettre en place une prévention des TMS efficace et durable au sein de mon entreprise?
2, 9 et 16 décembre 2019 - Formation à la prévention des troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) - Secteur des soins de santé -Comment mettre en place une prévention des TMS efficace et durable au sein de mon institution?
Conference: The future of health and safety in Europe
30 years after the EU Framework Directive on health and safety at work, what’s the way forward?
Free but registration needed:
Greetings to all IEA members on behalf of the Executive Committee!
I am writing to tell you that 2019 is a very special year for the International Ergonomics Society. You may know that IEA was founded in 1959.
This year, 2019, marks the 60th Anniversary of IEA. To commemorate the event, the IEA Executive Committee created a special IEA anniversary logo.
Please join us in celebrating this milestone by displaying the IEA 60th Anniversary logo on your website during 2019. We have provided versions with white or grey backgrounds so you can pick the one that fits best with your website design.
Also, please see a message regarding the anniversary from IEA's historian, Ernst Koningsveld at
Thank you for being a member of IEA!
Warm regards,
Kathleen Mosier
IEA President